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Water Cities

This series dates from 2016, when Pineda had as his residence the oceanic paradise of Huatulco Bays. His new destination is presented as a territory of inspiration to capture the series «Litorales», which is mainly developed in the Oaxacan coast between the Huatulco Bays and the open sea of Mazunte, Zipolite, San Agustinillo, etc.
Pineda took advantage of these trips, so the series became part of his itinerary, which is why «Littorals» is a constant invitation to travel as it captures the author’s journey from the beaches of Oaxaca to the coasts of the great Chicago’s Lake, Santa Monica beach in Los Angeles and Central Park Lake.
«Littoral» refers to water, but also includes aquatic vegetation, marine winds and ocean flowing. His drawings are made on black papers, referring to the nocturnal marine world, moment in which the human being sleeps, while the aquatic life remains in high activity. The series also raises the question about the possible limits of the city and its coexistence with the natural channels of water.
The presence of water in cities gives a great life to them, but … how aware are we of this? The works involve you in a very particular harmony, but you cannot stop suspecting presences or aspects that the artist has asked himself throughout the series.