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Grenzspuren. Traces of the border. (2024 – 2023).

The sculptural work Grenzspuren (Traces of the border) is part of the Absence project, which explores the border territory called “the corner of the three borders”, located in the German region of Belgium, border with Germany and Holland.Which brings together a series of in situ projects, which it has been developing on this border in recent years, from which it has incorporated natural elements of the territory, such as earth, stones and wood, into its narrative language.

In the sculptures «footprints of the border», the artist expresses an emotional, social and spiritual perspective when he says that “it is not the people who cross the border, it is the borders that cross us and leave their mark on us.” as people and in our cultural, sociopolitical, commercial, linguistic expressions…

Borders, although they determine a generally specific territory and references are usually made such as the Line to name the border, in this case we are not talking about a border to which these powers can be given, it could be classified as a border forest, with constant presence of people who cross or visit it, it is also free of movement and no immigration documentation is needed for its crossing. However, the border is part of recent history for its inhabitants, so it seems that we are facing an Absent border territory.