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This series of works arose shortly after the completion of a previous project called “Ciudades de Agua”.

The pieces that make up the Rocks series were made on black paper, using paint in metallic tones and in some cases luminescent. The work was acquiring irregular forms, with volumetric characteristics, massified

Contrary to the idea people have of the rocks, some of the pieces seem to be suspended or arranged with a certain lightness in the painting and others are made up of multiple fragments.

Rocks are the association of one or more minerals. They are solid materials produced by geological processes. Rocks are constantly modified by the action of different geological agents, such as water or wind, and also by living beings.

In geology, each of the various solid materials, formed by crystals or grains of one or more minerals, is called rock. On Earth, the crust is made up of rocks, just like the equivalent parts of other similar planetary bodies.

On the other hand, a mineral is a naturally occurring solid with a characteristic crystalline shape, and mineral crystals can form when hot water containing dissolved minerals cools and forms a solid. Rocks, on the other hand, are made of mixed mineral pieces.

The series of paintings presents the Rock element as a container and depository of vegetation, minerals, water, seeds, fire, earth, elements condensed inside and exposed, as if they were dissected pieces for the study of their ancient, terrestrial and primal.