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Archetypes are a source of instinctive and spiritual life. When Jung speaks of archetype, he means the representation of what he is speaking and never of the thing itself, which in both cases remains a mystery that concerns transcendence. From this idea, the painter Cristian Pineda occupies the term as a structuring of many objects with which the human being is consciously or unconsciously building its forms, ideas and dreams. In some way it is a process not so conscious, but more sentient or spiritual, what Pineda was materializing.
A bust, an eye, a volcano, a house, these are some of many images that the painter appropriated in his numerous works and those guide the artistic reading of his work. Cristian explains that they are «recurring characters. I took them, I took them out of the paint and put them on this surface of cut paint «[1]. These 400 pieces are a project that offers a kind of parameter of where the painter’s work is going. It is like the origin, the seed.