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Life Circles

This work was made in the Arizona desert, in the caves used by the coyotes (people who charge migrants for moving them to the interior of the United States). These caves are in the high parts of the desert and are used by the Coyotes to take the migrants to spend the night, eat or shelter from the migration guards and / or the freezing nights of the desert.
The work «Circles of life» was constructed by the personal objects found by the artist in the caves occupied by the coyotes and the migrants, with them he established a certain order in a circular way to present the propagation of the violence. A piece of clothing found in the Arizona desert is a symbol of the violence that is spread through the massification of these objects. This violence present in «Circles of life» sooner or later will come to us in one way or another. Violence in Central America or Mexico cannot continue to be seen in isolation, it is something that concerns us all. What happens to a human being happens to humanity. The project is composed of photographs of the life circles that exist in the desert and includes found objects belonging to migrants and an audiovisual piece of the constructive process of the circles of life in the desert.