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Corpus Terra

In the series of “Corpus Terra” we find woods made of sheets of plywood belonging to transporting boxes, Pineda has limited himself to use the free drawing following both the wood grain, as the labels, the printed words, the scratches, the stains, the marks and the stamps.
The series with surreal character finds hidden beings in knots and streaked patterns of wood. Those words of the «fragile» labels, the «import» or «export» stamps are presented in the origin of the letters, phrases and words included in the “Sanctuaries” series.
The packaging presented in «Corpus Terra» allows a surrealist attitude towards art. The wooden sheets, the boards are burned or smoked with the aim of incorporating drawings on them. Chance is present in the forms found or suggested by the natural trace of the cut trunk, or by the whims of the fade, which would delight Paalen and Max Ernst, to mention two inevitable names of surrealist experimentation in the plastic arts.